Historical of Bogor City Indonesia
the inclusion of the religion of Islam for the first time to the area
of West Java is by Sheikh Maulana Ibnoe through of Cirebon. Beginning in
year of 1479 distributed to Bantan (Banten) by Maulana Hassan Oedin
(Maulana Hasanuddin).
which was originally under the control of the Padjadjaran kingdom, then
escape with the Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin as offerings from start to
develop the power to beat the Padjadjaran kingdom.
1482, the center of the Padjadjaran kingdom which at that time was in
Galoe (Galuh) moved for the last time to Bogor (Beitenzorg).
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Bogor palace now |
Here the power of the Padjadjaran kingdom demolished by the forces of Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin in 1579 of the year and at the same time the Kingdom Pajajaran destroyed. The west area of Padjadjaran kingdom made part or region of the Banten and eastern region into an area of Cirebon.
While the area between the river and Citarum following Cisadane surrounding area was given its own sovereignty and headed by a Prince that recognizes the authority of the Sultan of Banten. This area is called Jakarta and led by Prince Jakarta.
When Jakarta was conquered by Jean Pieter Zoon Coen in 1619, above and beyond the upstream area, which was once destroyed Sultan Maulana Hasanuddin, was found still very wild and uninhabited.
Only traces of the area that was inhabited by the Sultan can still be found the remains in some plantations Jakarta population.
Before Jakarta conquered, Prince dethroned by the Sultan of Banten, so the prince and his family fled to the mountains (do not tell the history of the sequel). When Jakarta conquered, the entire indigenous population was brought by Sultan Banten to Bantam.
In the late 16th century and early 17th century, the area upstream on Jakarta, along the river bank Citarum was settled some population groups. On the east bank of the river inhabited by the family of Javanese, being west of the river inhabited by the family of origin Preanger Sunda and Bantam.
According to the diary, August 24 until October 15, 1689 incident told pursuit of the occupation is considered a troublemaker and had led to the killing accomplice Dutch Company, Captain Yonker a descendant of Ambon.
The subsequent development of the township along upstream on Jakarta inhabited by people Sunda include:
- a. Tjitrap (Citeurep) led by regent (Regional Head) Aria Soeta.
- b. Bambo, it is unknown who is the Regional Head.
- c. Tjilingsi (Cullinan) and Jimapack (Cimapak) led by two regent namely Kyai Mas Harya Wangsa and Kyai Wangsa Koesoemo.
- d. Tjikias (Cikeas) led by regent Anggaber Wangsa and headman Angajaya.
- e. Tjikalong (Cikalong) led by Aria Nata Menggala.
The second area is Cikeas and cikalong eventually became regional Tjiandjoer (Cianjur).
The area by the Mataram kingdom has been handed over to the Dutch Company in 1677. At first, the area above the heads of government did not recognize the Dutch Company. Only after the treaty was signed in 1705 between the Dutch Company to Mataram, only then can they recognize the Dutch VOC and facing Batavia.
Mid 17th century, Cianjur inhabited by Kyai Wira Tanoe from Cirebon, with a population of approximately 3000 people. Cianjur regent family moved from one family to another.
The first attempt to re-inhabit the uplands above Jakarta is on the initiative of the Company, namely the Governor General Camphuis, and carried out by Lieutenant Tanujiwa with a group of workers from Sumedang. They moved to the area former of pajajaran kingdom its vast empire.
Lieutenant Tanujiwa and his followers to build a new area by the name of Kampung Baru, with Lieutenant Tanujiwa as regent, who are required to report to Captain Winkier. In 1690, Governor General Camphius issued orders to create a map of Kampung Baru.
Kampung Baru established by Tanujiwa located in Cipinang (Jatinegara) and in Bogor. Which in Bogor initially named Parung Angsana, now that place called Tanah Baru.
Parung Angsana as the position is already a sort of "central government" for the villages founded by Tanujiwa and his troops are Parakan Panjang, Parung, Bantar Jati, kujang, Baranang Siang, Panaragan, Sempur, Cimahpar and Parung Banteng.
Documents cited by Den Haan (1912) calls Tanujiwa and his men were in Kampung Baru, Padjadjaran and the area next to the upper reaches. Thus Tanujiwa been appointed as leader of colony in the south Cikeas.
Den Haan started a list of governors of Bogor (Kampung Baru) with this Tanujiwa figures (1689-1705), although officially mergers of districts Kampung Baru, occurred in 1745.
Tanujiwa inner closeness to Padjadjaran has loosened his obedience to the Company. He felt the bitterness that a native lieutenant still is subject to a sergeant just because it was a Dutch sergeant.
Tanujiwa eventually become an ally and patron Haji Perwatasari who rose up in arms against expansion of VOC domain. They were defeated and banished to the Cape of Good Hope in Africa.
Each person insinuating that he was pursuing a false hope and "making out" with the toothless (Perwatasari). Clearly, the authors chronicle of Bogor (1925), did not dare put Tanujiwa as "First Regent". Instead the Dutch authors call Tanujiwa as Regent of Kampung Baru and the first foundation stone of Bogor Regency.
Saleh Danasasmita (1983) also mentioned that the night of January 4 and 5, 1699 eruption of Mount Salak to the accompaniment of a very strong earthquake. A record of 1702 reported the consequences there of:
- a. Plateau between Batavia and Cisadane behind the former palace of the kings Jakarta (Pakuan) which had been a large forest turned into pitch wide open with no trees at all.
- b. Covered soil surface smooth red clay. In some places the ground has hardened make it’s difficult for people to walk on it.
- c. Ciliwung flow near the estuary clogged along several hundred meters due mud carries. There is no news about the state of the population along the river flow.
Abraham Van Reebeck one who later clearing the blockage, but he also proposed that the land BDiong Manggis (Bojong manggis) and BDiong Gede (Bojong Gede) given to him as a reward.
In 1703 he was not noted on the remnants of the eruption. One year later he founded the cottage in the area Batutulis, because of Mount Salak is not considered scary anymore.
In 1709, Van Reebeck sent build the road towards the south coast. Here In 1711 at the expense of the Country Representative established 4 regions namely Gunung Guru, Citarik, Pondok ope and Cidurian.
These areas became escape from Banten some people are less satisfied with the obligation to collect indigo, cotton yarn and planting of cofee.
In a meeting between the Head of Region Monday, February 18, 1724, regent of Cianjur, Kyai Wira Aria Tanoe appointed as fourth regent of the area. So that residents have an obligation like other residents in Compeni territory.
In 1744 start from August 20 until September, Governor Baron Van Imhoff conducted a review. He paid attention At Kampung Baru (later became Buitenzorg) that can be developed into agricultural areas and the resting placeof Governor General.
Furthermore In 1745, Baron petitioned the House of Representatives of the Dutch East Indies Official Government contents:
- a. Kampung Baru area transformed into a resting place of the governor general and Staff VOC.
- b. Making this area become as agricultural areas and plantation as an example of other areas.
- c. Planned changes in public behavior that is considered lazy (at the time), into a people who have the abbility and expertise for example civil servants, agronomists, farm experts,etc.
In the same year, nine pieces districts, namely: Cisarua, Pondok Gede, Ciawi, Ciomas, Cijeruk, Sindang Barang, Balubur, Dramaga and Kampung Baru combined into "one government" under the head of Kampung Baru who holds Demang. The combined nine of this district called Kampung Baru Regentschap Buitenzorg.
In the emblem Bogor, Cisadane and Ciliwung rivers each illustrated with 9 wave line. It revealed a combined nine of the district, so true, the Dutch expert opinion Riesz, who said that Kampung Baru is "de Bakermat" (birthplace) of Bogor Regency.
Many people say that the Bogor Palace in the Botanical Garden was the brainchild of Governor General Baron Van Imhoff. The assumption is considered to be less precise, in fact he had never planned a palace.
Instead he set up a military hospital in cipanas. At the current location of Bogor Palace, the establishment of a simple building as a stopover on the way from the fort Batavia to Cipanas. Van Imhoff tends to French liberalism. He came to understand the romance devotee Rosseau teachings, which advocate human return to nature.
At that time, the search mode natural naturalness with build simple resort, small, and in harmony with the natural surroundings. This resort is called Sans Souci (that of France) or in dutch are "Buitenzorg" meaning: without feeling depressed.
Similarly, simple building he built in the location he named Bogor Palace Buitenzorg. Buitenzorg include Puncak - Telaga Warna - Mega Mendung - Ciliwung - Muara Cihideung - the summit of Mount Salak and the summit of Mount “Gede”. And Baron Van Imhoff bill becomes landlord of the region.
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Bogor Palace Past |
Van Imhoff is the first VOC leader’s to implement the territorial politics through system printing fields. Politics is useful to increase rice yield and residents in settlements that remain.
Coffee plantations, pepper and indigo is also growing rapidly in Buitenzorg area. On 1 January 1800 the VOC or the Dutch Kompeni received approval to extend to the south (upstream above) Kampung Baru.
At that time, Batavia the Dutch central government VOC felt solid and if the rainy season, floods overflowed and hit the city. As a result, often contagious infectious disease that is prolonged, so that VOC choosing southern regions with the purpose or consideration, among others:
- a. The southern region of fertile and good soil, are remnants Pajajaran Kingdom.
- b. Not too far from the center of Government VOC / Dutch that’s Batavia.
- c. Layout, terrain and climate graded according with the wishes of the Netherlands, so it is suitable for the resting place of the Dutch officials.
Gradually, government agencies do mutations, such as Secretary of the Governor General made to the Netherlands in 1928 then followed by the formation department of handicrafts, agriculture and education.
Similarly, the spread of the population. In accordance with the politics of colonial rule at that time, the population distribution based on class differences in society, according to skin color, racial discrimination.
Yellow skinned nation or China inhabit Chinatown or Lawang Seketeng and be the center of the trade and economic lines. The remnants of its glory still visible today in the area around Market Bogor and Suryakencana.
Arabs inhabit the area around the “Empang”(dam). While the indigenous peoples as indigenous by classification society is class citizen four (IV) only inhabit the outlying villages, which is now the area around Bondongan.
European nation or white skin as primary and respectable citizens at the time, got a first-class region (I) which has nice scenery that the area around Kedung Halang, and highways downtown called Preanger Lijn (the current Ir. H. Juanda Street) which was inaugurated in 1872.
Subsequent developments, In 1941, Buitenzorg (Bogor) formally separated from Batavia and got autonomy. Decision of the Governor General of Dutch Indies No. 11, 1866, No. 208 of 1905 and No. 289 of 1924 states that the Bogor area at that time an area of 22 square km, consist of two sub districts and 7 villages.
The natural landscape and topography Buitenzorg wonderful cause the Dutch East Indies government making it an ideal recreational and residential, with the Governor-General that the home is in the heart which then currently a Bogor Palace (Istana Bogor).
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